Saturday, October 11, 2008

Weekend confession

It is said that confession is good for the soul. Maybe it will turn out to be good for my butt size too.

Yesterday I indulged in Carl's Jr. I have not had Carl's in years. I must say it was delicious.

Guacamole Bacon burger (six dollar version)
Calories: 1140 (Oh my god)
Fat: 85 (double omg)
Fiber: 6 grams (not bad)
Points = 29 ::Sob::

Medium Fry
Calories: 710
Fiber: 5
Points = 16

Diet coke:
Calories: 0
Points = 0

Total points (gulp) = 45

Luckily for me I only ate breakfast and this yesterday. It is pretty safe to say I won't be eating this for a long while. I should have followed the golden rule and checked the points BEFORE going.

I love using (Dotties weight loss zone). There is a huge area with restaurants and menu nutrition.

Here is the really bad news. Today I also had Chinese food, trail mix, and home made chicken noodle soup. I will not be surprised if this week is a scratch on the weight loss.


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